Cross Lake City Council Passes Resolution 4-1 that the Crosslake City Clerk Intends to Administer Absentee Voting
The following speech was given yesterday to the Crosslake City Council, which the City Council passed 4-1, the first resolution of its kind in Minnesota history.

The following speech was given yesterday to the Crosslake City Council, which the City Council passed 4-1, the first resolution of its kind in Minnesota history.
The last paragraph of the resolution reads:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Crosslake that the Crosslake City Clerk is hereby directed to provide the Crow Wing County Administrative Services Director, and Crow Wing County Auditor, with notice via the Crow Wing County Administrator, that the Crosslake City Clerk intends to administer absentee voting, and also to be responsible for the administration of a ballot board for the City of Crosslake.
Passed on this 11th day of December, 2023.
This is significant because in recent elections, the county has overseen the absentee ballot board, removing oversight of Crosslake absentee ballots from the City of Crosslake.