League of Women Voters Un-Invites MNGOP-feared Write-In Candidate for SD4, Edwin Hahn
Write-in candidates stand up to unseat incumbents despite policies and decisions designed to silence them or prevent voters from learning more about their consistent work toward election transparency
Many attending county commissioner meetings are familiar with representatives of the League of Women Voters, essentially a boots on the ground propaganda arm for Secretary of State Steve Simon, most recently showing up in force at the Dakota County commissioner board meeting, where Amy Klobuchar, former advocate against electronic voting equipment, also made an appearance.
So far have not seen one voter, ballot, or election integrity issue where representatives from LWV and the MNSOS disagree. Often it seems like LWV troops show up when the MNSOS is unwilling to attend meetings himself, who even democrat attendees of a recent Wright County election integrity workshop seemed to want.
Those representing LWV in commissioner meetings regularly resort to name calling of anyone asking even the most basic questions about Minnesota elections—name calling is time-consuming and very boring (Carver, July 19, 202) and not helpful towards unification on election transparency, which all but those perpetrating election fraud seem to want.
MNGOP feared write-in candidate for SD4

This week, October 4, 2022 the LWV Red River Valley held a candidate forum in the Moorhead Public Library. The previous evening at 8pm the Minnesota LWV chapter called Edwin Hahn to inform him he’d been dis-invited. This after first accepting his request to participate on September 14, 2022.
Reason given: LWV Red River Valley will not accept write-in candidates who lost in the primary (Aug 9, 2022). Their policy was provided to me by email.
Why then accept him in the first place? Was MN LWV not aware of its own policy?
Meanwhile there is no national LWV policy for same. If someone made a mistake and/or they changed their mind, why did LWV Red River Valley wait until 8pm the evening before the candidate forum to inform and un-invite Edwin?
Or was this something else? Perhaps a chance to prevent voters and people generally from hearing about or learning from Edwin? It wouldn’t be the first time…
A background in revealing the truth
Edwin Hahn was one of just 7 people to file election contests in Minnesota in 2020, and he faced off against top firms like Perkins Coie. Meanwhile, the MNGOP fears his effectiveness to the point that they barred him and his wife from participating in an endorsing convention (see this video and this video), attempted to stage a coup* to unseat him as Chair of Clay County Republicans, and also called the Rochester Police Department to remove him from the very long line to get into the MNGOP State Convention (police body cam footage not yet available).
Edwin Hahn will be a write-in candidate for the November 8, 2022 election in Senate District 4, with a very good chance of winning unless further election fraud takes place.
* Press release from March 13, 2022 (Dropbox link). Meeting minutes from March 8th, 2022 (Dropbox link). Video (Bitchute) detailing connections between Calvin Benson and Rep. Michelle Fischbach.
An attempt to silence a candidate?
Edwin sent out the following letter, which I received by text message on October 3, 2022:
Hi friends - Edwin Hahn here.
On September 13, 2022, I accepted a written invitation to participate in our local LWV Red River Valley candidate forum, as a publicly declared candidate. The acceptance was confirmed by LWV the next day.
The forum is being held today, October 4, 2022 at 7pm, Moorhead Public Library.
8pm last night, I received a call from the same local LWV chapter (https://www.lwvmn.org/red-river-valley) stating that because I am a "write-in" candidate, I am unable to participate in the candidate forum.
The reason given: "you are not allowed to speak according to the national rules of the LWV."
After doing research, there are no "national rules" prohibiting my participation. I meet all the requirements, including filing a request to count our write in votes with the elections filing officer (filed today).
It would seem this is another attempt by the establishment to squash the rights and voice of We the People.
ACTION ITEM: Please email
today and let them know their 501(c)(3) status is in jeopardy if they do not allow legitimate write-in candidates to participate.
You do not have to live in Clay County to send a message.
We must diligently exercise our freedoms, lest they be bound and stolen!
Not the only write-in candidate for Nov 8, 2022
Notable write-in candidates include…
Edwin Hahn - SD4, highlighted in this article
Nathan Miller - SD9, only narrowly falling short in the primary which is yet to be audited - read his open letter to his opponent here (part 1) and here (part 2)
Steve Carlson - A self-described Trumpocrat for secretary of state helping to expose dangers of Dominion and other electronic voting equipment receiving 27% in the Democrat primary. Regularly tweets.
Kari Watkins - Regular speaker (May 3, 2022) at Sherburne County commissioner meetings, Kari was dubiously removed from the ballot for Haven Township Supervisor, but she will run as a write-in candidate. Kari was helpful in providing space for Rick Weible to speak in Haven Township ahead of their decision to pass a resolution to both hand tally and machine tally the Aug 9, 2022 primary election, which was interfered with apparently by the MNSOS and Sherburne County Auditor and Attorney, since the hand tally never happened.
The Minnesota LWV policy, reproduced from https://www.lwvmn.org/candidate-participation, accessed October 5, 2022.
Policies & Guidance
Candidate Participation
Candidate forums for primary, special, and general elections are part of League of Women Voters Minnesota’s respected, century-long tradition of empowering voters by helping them obtain information about candidates’ background, qualifications, and positions on issues. LWV Minnesota’s Candidate Participation Policy for all state and local League candidate forums is:
The League is proud to be nonpartisan, neither supporting nor opposing candidates or political parties at any level of government, and is always working on vital issues of concern to members and the public. Together with our co-sponsors and partners, LWV Minnesota and our local Leagues conduct candidate forums (including debates), meet-and-greet gatherings, video recordings, town hall meetings and other candidate events. Candidate forums will be conducted in a way to reflect the policy interests and concerns of the local community in order to maximize participation and engagement by candidates and voters.
This policy addresses the following:
- Inviting or including candidates for office including candidates of state-designated major party and write-in candidates;
- Forums when a candidate is unable to attend due to personal conflicts or emergent personal issues (e.g. family or personal illness);
- When one candidate in a two-candidate race is unable or unwilling to participate;
- Candidate participation in debates for federal office where Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or Federal Elections Commission (FEC) regulations apply.
All candidates will be invited simultaneously and in the same manner which should include email. If an email address is not available from either the candidate or the Secretary of State, USPS mail should be used for that candidate. Invitations will include this policy.
For non-partisan races, Leagues will invite candidates registered with the Secretary of State for the office in question to participate in our events.
For partisan races, candidates representing the major political parties identified by the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office in accordance with Minnesota Statute 200.02 subd. 7 will be invited.
Leagues may include write-in or non-major party candidates if they have:
Publicly announced their intention to run;
Be eligible to hold the office and be qualified to be on the ballot;
Have demonstrated that their candidacy is credible. This could include any or all of the following: campaign speeches, distribution of literature, press releases, issue papers, a campaign committee, website and/or headquarters;
Write-in candidates who have been eliminated in a primary will not be included in a general election forum.
If an invited candidate is unable or decides not to appear at a scheduled event, the event may still be held. This is the case even if only one candidate appears, except when FCC or FEC rules apply. Unopposed candidates may appear alone.
Debates for federal elections will not be held if one of the candidates invited in accordance with “Selection Criteria for Candidates in State Constitutional Officer or Congressional Races” does not appear.
No substitutes or stand-ins for the candidates will be allowed.
To ensure fairness and transparency, candidates must be available for the entire event in order to participate. In case of an emergent personal issue (illness or family emergency) which precludes candidate participation, the candidate may provide a written statement, equal in length to the opening statement of the candidate or candidates present, to be read by the moderator as part of the opening statements by candidates. “Emergent” typically means an unforeseen and unforeseeable event within 1 or 2 days or the scheduled event.
The moderator will announce that all candidates were invited to participate. In announcing that a candidate is not participating, the moderator will present a brief statement that a candidate either did not respond or declined to participate without any editorial comment.
The candidate or candidates who attend will have an opportunity to make opening and closing statements and express their positions on issues in response to questions submitted by the audience. In an extraordinary circumstance, and at the discretion of the local League, a candidate may submit a written statement to be read by the moderator equal in length to the opening statement of the candidate or candidates present.
All media outlets that typically cover LWV events will be notified of this policy in the press releases, media interviews, social media and other communications prior to the events.
LWV events will be conducted in accordance with other event rules as provided to candidates with their invitations.
Policy approved/adopted: May 23, 2022
Read [S]elections in Minnesota: How Machines Controlled 2020 and Why We Must Return to Hand Counting Paper Ballots (digital), or on Amz and B&N, or audio.
Read in-progress Midwest Seeds, a book about the people changing Minnesota by taking a stand against tyranny