Linwood Township Supports Releasing CVR for Nov 8 Election but Balks on Hand Counting
On Tuesday October 11, 2022 the Linwood Township Board met and passed a motion to support Anoka County producing and releasing the CVR report for the upcoming election. (It is the Linwood Town Board’s understanding that it will still be Anoka County’s decision—bear in mind that technically speaking the CVR is immediately available on the thumb drive removed from the tabulators in the Linwood Township precincts, should a copy of those be made available, though this is not part of the current process.)
Hand Counting, Delay in Decision
On perhaps the more important issue there seems to be a delay as the Clerk wanted to access a joint powers agreement to understand if hand counting was even possible.
If it turns out that the joint powers agreement prevents hand counting, that would a major revelation—since hand counting the physical ballots (also known as hand tabulation) is a very good way to validate whether the machines are tallying votes accurately.
Let’s wait and see but I hope townships nor counties have agreed to not hand count or hand tabulate in the fine print of those joint powers agreements.