The Machines Must Go

Last year many said, “Prove it.”

Now they are asking, “What can we do about it?”

If you do not accept the machines counting votes, make your voice heard at county commissioners meetings (every other Tuesday).

  • No more rigged machines
  • Paper pollbooks
  • Hand tally (hand count) the paper ballots

In this "Mix":

  1. Col. Shawn Smith explains why we cannot trust electronic voting equipment (Rumble)
  2. The trailer to [S]election Code on
  3. David Clements describes the power of the county commission strategy (Vimeo)
  4. An image of the DS200 motherboard with Telit LE910-SV1 modem chip found in the DS200 in Antrim County, Michigan
  5. An image of the Post Election Review for precinct 3950 in Dakota County, MN
  6. A flow chart detailing attack entry points into voting systems and networks
  7. Col. Phil Waldron provides a solution: precinct-level hand counting of counterfeit-proof paper ballots, 100% auditable immediately after the election

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Never Forget 2020
Vote Switching Demonstration is a must-watch if you do not understand how votes can be swapped in the election database without a trace on the tapes.

Part II

Coming Soon

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