9 ways to cheat (watch out!)

9 ways to cheat (watch out!)
Watch out for these 9 ways to cheat at precinct caucus... there are consequences to cheating

For precinct caucus: This is far from an exhaustive list, and although it can feel exhausting to call out cheaters, it is necessary to hold them to account, even if they been one's friend in the past or pretended to be, else we are the ones who noticed and let it happen, which affects many others not present.

One shared goal for readers might be to agree that no cheaters will dare show their faces after the next 2 years, because they are called out publicly when it occurs, especially if the foul play continues.

If there are enough people paying attention, other forms of influence operation will be used, such as attempting to persuade you to act against your interests. One that I remember from 2022 was a known operative suggesting that people vote for those who had put in the most work in recent years, of course omitting that those 'putting in the work' were likely operatives or grifters, neither of which tend to have the people's interest in mind.

When in doubt about someone's experience or allegiance, ask whether they are a state central delegate and whether they supported Chair David Hann, who it looks like has committed a felony recently by falsely submitted a certification to the MNSOS regarding the MNGOP's compliance with newly amended 202A, as discussed in part in MN Supreme Court A24-0216. Part of the reason the party is out of compliance with that statute is because it is out of compliance with its own rules and constitution, in large part because of those who have resorted to cheating when no other way to hold their power remained. Very sad.

Okay, here are 9 ways to cheat to watch out for! (If you spot all 9, send in your bingo card!)

  1. Hold a fake meeting to remove the conveners of caucus so your people get to convene it—yes, this happened, and I video-recorded the entire meeting and it was witnessed by about 9 other guests anyway without complaint by the CD3 Chair, who was in on it (and participating), nor from the CD5 Chair, who was a guest, who may or may not have been in on it.
  2. It is insisted that the temporary chair must be the permanent chair. The convener is the temporary chair according to 202A.18.1, but a motion can be made to nominate someone else to be the permanent chair of the caucus. Doing so avoids decreases the chances of the below from happening and avoids other potential situations where someone willfully ignores statutes or the MNGOP Constitution.
  3. The Chair fails to announce delegates according to 202A.18 Subd. 4. Announcement and certification of election results: Upon completion of the counting of votes the chair shall announce the names of persons who are elected...
  4. The Chair, or someone else, changes the list of those elected during or after the elections.
  5. Someone inserts absentee delegates/alternates incorrectly.
  6. The vote counting is done incorrectly or fake ballots are added to the count. (When I became a state central delegate, elections for which occur after the precinct caucus, my vote tally was initially counted incorrectly, but since I was observing I spotted the error and asked it to be corrected.)
  7. Require an oath to new delegates, of any kind, for example that they will have to abide by party endorsements. (This violates the MNGOP Constitution, see image/file below)
  8. People are excluded from the process, in violation of Minnesota Statute 202A.16 Caucus, Who May Participate and Vote (there are no restrictions except one cannot attend more than one caucus)
  9. As a new delegate, you are left off future mailings so as to exclude you from becoming delegate to state convention, etc. or it is not made clear when you should nominate yourself at the subsequent BPOU meetings