Cast Vote Record Cover Up in Minnesota: Part 4
Fillmore County Strikes First; The Cover Up is Crumbling as Election Fraud Deniers Decrease in Number; Over 517 CVRs in Nationwide Repository

Minnesota is officially on the board.
Having reviewed the CVR from Fillmore County’s 2020 General Election, there is some useful data missing, but even a partial CVR disproves the implication the MNSOS made that public data requests for this digital report might be impossible to attain.
Meanwhile this isn’t the only CVR from Minnesota—next one hasn’t been added to Ordros yet, where nationwide about 500 (already 517 as of Sept 15) from the 2020 General Election and another 100 from the 2022 primaries are safely in a repository revealing patterns of ballot stuffing as well as electronic fraud across the major machine vendors.
Election fraud deniers are a shrinking minority as the cover up crumbles.
To catch up on this developing story, see parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series as well as this dissection of the MNSOS’s deflection on value of the CVR.
For those that are continuing to seek CVRs in your county but finding opposition:
“Raccoon army, here is some helpful language that you might use if you are being jerked around in your requests for CVRs. Happy to take suggestions or comments to improve the language
To Whom It May Concern:
Please provide any instruction provided by employees or consultants of [insert voting systems vendor name here], their subsidiaries or affiliates to [insert county name here], on responding to public records requests which are election related.
Please include any text messages, memos, newsletters, emails, meeting minutes, transcripts, or other written or spoken directions relayed to the county Board of Elections, county OPRA office, county lawyers (both external to the county and/or employed directly by the county), and county auditors or public records officials regarding responding to OPRA records requests related to elections.
No need to send the election related laws, I am specifically looking for records with special instructions or reminders specific to [insert county name here] County election records. This could be from an employee of the [insert voting systems vendor name here], its subs or affiliates or a consultant retained by the same.
If a [insert voting systems vendor name here], directed [insert county name here] County to handle election related requests in any particular way, or told [insert county name here] County to not provide certain records, please provide records of that communication.
If a [insert voting systems vendor name here], has told [insert county name here] County what to communicate to citizens making election related OPRA requests, or what not to say, please provide those records.
If a [insert voting systems vendor name here], has shared any guidance with [insert county name here] County that is related only to election related records requests, please provide records of that correspondence.
Please provide records of the guidance/instruction that [insert county name here] County received from [insert voting systems vendor name here], when it was issued, who it came from at the [insert voting systems vendor name here], and whether it is on a case-by-case basis, or a group email/memo or other means of communication beginning on or after January 1, 2022 until the date of this request.
Thank you”