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Below each heading are links to key posts or select articles I found interesting.
Midwest Seeds (Erik van Mechelen)
How to use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to Flip Votes in a Dominion Election Management System WITHOUT leaving a trace
Must-watch explanation by Mark Cook

Yes, there are alternatives to state- and corporate-controlled elections
Hand Count PROOF OF CONCEPT revealed by Clint Curtis and Mark Cook

A Live Audit of a Hand Count Changes the Results of the SD50 Elections
Noticing errors and asking for audits changed results of at least two races and broke a “tie” in a third
Midwest Swamp Watch (Rick Weible)
Midwest Swamp Watch
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The Future of Communications (Martin Geddes)
Can we (practically) withdraw consent to be governed?
I have started the process of removing myself from the electoral register

Election Data Analyzer
Fractal Component-Based Software Engineering
Sounds impressive right? I thought so too. Let’s state up front what we are NOT talking about which is a way to visualize fractals like this. That clarification was for the media acolytes and C-Suite folks who are easily impressed. Moving on….Thanks for reading Election Data Analyzer (EDA) Newslette…

Hobbs and Fontes: Almost Neighbors
Deed Research in Maricopa County

The Zark Files (Art Zark)
Funny money and rotten registrations
The New York State Board of Elections (NYSBOE) manages the state voter roll database. New York Citizen’s Audit (NYCA) has filed multiple Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) requests for the publicly-available version of that database. To date, they have received four copies of the state database and m…
This message courtesy of OMG
O’Keefe Media Group finds laundered political contributions, New York follows up