Supervisor Indicates that he Won't Certify if They Don't Get to Hand Count in August 9 Primary
Distrust mounts in our modern electronic voting systems
On Monday evening, June 20, 2022, about two dozen people attended the Town Board Supervisors meeting in Haven Township.
Link to Video: Haven Township Town Board Meeting, Sherburne County

Four hours after the start of the meeting, walking out of the building, one of the supervisors indicated that he didn’t want to certify the local election in August if they were still using machines.
This trend of discomfort and distrust of the modern electronic voting equipment is only going to grow.
If you aren’t up to speed on the numerous vulnerabilities of the software and hardware used to run American elections, a primer on how machines controlled 2020 is provided to the public for free in this book (start reading in web browser):
The audiobook is also available completely free:
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