Those Who Don't Like Accountability...
...also don't want election accountability, but pretend they do
Overall we are in a position where there is an class of people doing what they want without consequences.
The reverse is a world with intense accountability.
election integrity = election accountability
I started in this domain about 18 months ago, in the last 6 months it has become a volunteer full time job, first online then moving to the real world: scores of meetings, events, and action locally and between states, for instance was Minnesota's speaker at The Moment of Truth summit in Aug '22 and invited several times for classroom settings around Minnesota.
Perhaps the most important work was meeting with many auditors and election staff around the state to better comprehend the nature of the problem and why the lack of accountability continues when their own systems could easily resolve the many anomalies and irregularities exposed by ordinary residents.
This newsletter archive (Substack) covers some of the road here. 2 of my 4 years at Target in 2010s gave me access to software design and development and testing, giving me perspective to see major flaws in the opaque but critical electronic voting system. Since Target I've worked as a professional freelance writer on articles for governors and full length books in several domains.
In the election improvement domain, there are groups from about a dozen counties that I've interacted with but in terms of individuals our coverage is now most of the state. We started with legislators but very quickly shifted to county-level engagement.
There are precious few legislators (if any) including the incoming group that have the courage to fight for election accountability. There are precious few auditors. Precious few commissioners or township supervisors willing to withhold their certifications.
And no one in “leadership” roles in the MNGOP aside from a handful of BPOU Chairs who have discreetly sent me emails or sought me out for a quiet word at events.
Current MNGOP Chairman Hann is among those who do not want election accountability, but pretend they do.
For just one example…
Here is an emailed letter sent today from David Hann, the current MNGOP Chair
Dear Republican Party of Minnesota Election Protection Volunteers:
The call went out, you answered.
Minnesotans need and deserve elections that are free, fair, and transparent.
The party asked for Election Judges and Poll Challengers, and you stepped up, helping us recruit thousands of election judges and poll watchers throughout the state.
For your time and talents, I want you to know I am greatly appreciative of your help.
Thank you for being a part of the Republican Party's election protection efforts. On November 29th, the State's Canvassing Board met, where the results of the 2022 election were reviewed and certified. We appreciate your help and hope you will continue to help build and grow the Republican Party of Minnesota’s election protection efforts in the future.
Thank you to all of you who participated, and also to those of you who provided feedback and insights on the process, along with solutions for areas needing further attention.
With gratitude,
David Hann
Republican Party of Minnesota
Now, I have taken the liberty of rewriting it more accurately—consider this a form a fictional satire if you will:
Dear Republican Party of Minnesota Election Protection Volunteers:
The call went out, you answered.
Minnesotans need and deserve elections that are free, fair, and transparent.
[I know we have elections that are neither free, fair, nor transparent. That’s the Party and its operatives interfered effectively to commit delegate fraud (changing people on lists), disrupted endorsing conventions, and why we used electronic voting clickers at the MNGOP state convention in Rochester to select statewide candidates and didn’t provide any transparency on the results even after one candidate asked.]
The party asked for Election Judges and Poll Challengers, and you stepped up, helping us recruit thousands of election judges and poll watchers throughout the state.
[We asked for Election Judges and Poll Challengers because at the end of the day Election Judges and Poll Challengers can do exactly nothing to prevent mail-in or absentee ballot voter fraud nor election fraud committed by county-level staff or digital operators impacting the electronic voting system, such as through manipulation of the statewide voter registration system to inflate voter rolls.]
For your time and talents, I want you to know I am greatly appreciative of your help.
[The important thing is to feel like you did something to help, and to give me credit for that good feeling.]
Thank you for being a part of the Republican Party's election protection efforts. On November 29th, the State's Canvassing Board met, where the results of the 2022 election were reviewed and certified. We appreciate your help and hope you will continue to help build and grow the Republican Party of Minnesota’s election protection efforts in the future.
[What I have omitted purposefully here is the fact that 14 days after the election after every county had certified its election—none withholding as is their choice—19 counties had less than 1% of their data complete and overall the state was only at 50.5% complete. Only days later the MN State Canvassing Board certified the election despite there being no way given the data incompletion to validate that all ballots were connected to voters in the official and public (by request) statewide voter registration system (SVRS). This mirrors what occurred in 2020 where 734,000 absentee records were missing 25 days after the election and 5 days after the MN State Canvassing Board certified the Nov 3 2020 election. Those who certified the election possibly violated their oaths to defend the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic.]
Thank you to all of you who participated, and also to those of you who provided feedback and insights on the process, along with solutions for areas needing further attention.
[We will use your pages of feedback as toilet paper and likely never respond. In reality, instead of hoping that being an election judge would make a difference—at least you learned something about the process—you might have done better to educate yourself on election law, where that differs from the MNSOS-prescribed rulebooks, the election process itself, and the complicated electronic voting system, complete with internet-connected iPads, modem-capable tabulators, the programs and databases which store and report your vote tallies, and the easily-manipulated statewide voter registration system and other absentee ballot dashboards safeguarded from public viewing.]
With gratitude,
David Hann
[Puppet of deep-seated money interests and enemy combatants… At the end of the day I don’t get to decide what I write. I’m as much a slave as many of you sheep are.]
Republican Party of Minnesota
It’s obvious that Hann is trying to curry favor ahead of elections happening for Chair tomorrow, where he could be replaced.
At this point it feels like the establishment is appropriately in panic mode as continued light is shone on their activities and lack of attention to areas that truly matter.
The good news
People like David Hann will not rule the MNGOP roost for long and nor will people like current MNSOS Steve Simon hold the reins of Minnesota’s [s]election system.
Their days like many so-called leaders and authorities across the politics, the government, the media, the medical industry, the education industry, tech, banking, and more cannot hold up to intense accountability.
But first: We learn intense accountability first by looking in the mirror and making a change. Then: Be the change you seek.
When we focus on family first and strong small-group God-centered groups we will find the strength, hope, and unity to take appropriate action and patiently pursue the Truth.