Why Not Write In?

On a call last night with a statewide write-in candidate from New Mexico who brought a machine case to court and through that discussion was reminded of the role of write-in voting and write-in candidates. At the Moment of Truth Summit had also met an impressive write-in candidate for Nebraska governor. There are also some very strong write-in candidates in Minnesota which will be highlighted in this article.

Before proceeding, a research question for readers: If China is the occupying power through a puppet candidate in the context of the Law of War manual, published by the DoD the same month as Trump began his campaign in 2015, then is it even acceptable for elections to be conducted?

Now, onto a brief discussion of write-in candidates followed by a call to action to raise the bar on election fraud awareness.

Choosing Leaders

The Carol Hexum and Bill Nichol discussion (now viewed over 2,300 times) reveals Mr. Nichol, an executive member in the Republican Party of Minnesota, may be an ends-justify-the-means kind of guy. He says he wishes he would have done more to bring transparency to the confirmed delegate fraud but also seems to question Mrs. Hexum’s questioning of him because one more senator with an R next to his name will supposedly be important and not worth the risk of cleaning up the mess.

A brief aside on that point: There are a lot of senators—and representatives—with an R next to their name and none have done anything of substance to alert the public to the danger of Dominion, ES&S, and Hart systems to how leaders are chosen. Some of them have spoken with me and ignored the data and evidence provided in [S]elections in Minnesota and videos like this one describing cyber threat (Col. Shawn Smith) or this one showing computer vote swaps (Jeffrey Lenberg).
Household names like Lucero and Gruenhagen and Mortensen are missing. The current republican gubernatorial and secretary of state candidate have equally avoided calling attention to the fact that computers count how they are programmed to count. A recent attendee to a Dr. Jensen event asked about this and the reply was, “We are working on it,” yet neither the gubernatorial nor secretary of state candidate even have any mention of electronic voting systems on their websites. Meanwhile the Party is happy to talk about $100M in daycare fraud and $250M in food fraud but thinks we will let them off the hook for not even mentioning election fraud that a rising number of democrats acknowledge? Fortunately a growing number see what is and has been going on. It seems like many in Brazil know their election was just rigged as well—and are willing to hold mass demonstrations about it. But public servants and candidates are meant to represent the people and yet they often don’t reflect what the people know and want. Therefore the people will continue to hold candidates and current elected officials accountable. Who else is going to if the people don’t?

The Otter Tail delegate fraud happened it appears in order to get Jordan Rasmussen the endorsement—because according to Mr. Nichols he is liked by higher-ups in the Party—which helped him narrowly win (supposedly, no audit done) the primary. And thus the ends justify the means. If we get another senator with an R next to their name, who cares who it is?, they say. Meanwhile Rasmussen’s write-in challenger is Nathan Miller, who probably without the delegate fraud gets the endorsement and the primary. (In relatively nearby SD10, the endorsement convention ended without a completion of the count to prevent a different Nathan, Nathan Wesenberg, from getting the endorsement—Wesenberg won the primary and should easily win his senate seat.) From the perspective of this writer, a vote for Rasmussen says one is comfortable with confirmed fraud committed by and confirmed by members of the MNGOP.

Did Caucus Fraud Lead to an Illegitimately Endorsed Candidate in Senate District 9?
In Spring 2022 confirmed delegate fraud occurred in Otter Tail County, Minnesota, which was referenced in Chapter 5 of [S]elections in Minnesota and the MNGOP is yet to hold itself accountable in Otter Tail and in most other counties where alleged or confirmed fraud occurred

Nathan Miller sent letters to all counties requesting the cast vote records be published for the Aug 9 primary election, and all of them declined. (Only one cast vote record has been published from any county in Minnesota, Fillmore County from the 2020 election—the current SOS implied these weren’t available.) Miller’s request for these automatically generated records shows his willingness to take action toward election transparency and accountability before he’s even in office.

The same willingness and activity toward accountability and integrity is apparent in candidates like Edwin Hahn (write-in for SD4), Kari Watkins (write-in for Haven Township Seat D), Steve Carlson (write-in for secretary of state).

Edwin Hahn was one of 7 people to contest a 2020 election in Minnesota and was removed from the line at the MNGOP state convention in Rochester after the Party called the Rochester police. (Yes, the MNGOP has that kind of power, but there’s no need to fear it.)

Kari Watkins ran for Sherburne County Commissioner in the primary and then had her name removed from the Township Supervisor ballot, but she has not given up and will run as a write-in. Few have spoken more powerfully in Sherburne County commissioner board meetings than Watkins. Watkins was also helpful in achieving the hand count resolution in Haven Township before likely the SOS and Sherburne Auditor and Attorney intervened.

Steve Carlson garnered over 108k votes in the democratic primary versus current SOS Steve Simon. Carlson has continued to be outspoken about election machine dangers and Mr. Carlson’s Twitter account is a good study for those new to the history of election law and the status of the electronic voting system in Minnesota.

Todd Stenberg for US House in CD6 is a write-in alternative for Tom Emmer. Mr. Emmer is in favor of the popular vote among other concerns too many to list, some exposed a few days ago by Charlie Kirk. In stark contrast to Mr. Emmer, Mr. Stenberg and his wife have been actively involved in election transparency and accountability with groups like Midwest Swamp Watch and the recent KrisAnne Hall event in Monticello—they also brought Seth Keshel to Minnesota. Their participation at school board meetings battling CRT and in county commissioner meetings to reclaim election integrity shows a willingness to take action above and beyond the additional desires I share to eliminate the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard as well as downsize government considerably doing away with the IRS and other bureaucratic agencies overstepping boundaries to infringe on liberty.

It is convenient for some simply to vote the republican endorsed ticket. It’s what your friends and local BPOU members are going to do. You will be accepted if you do what is asked of you.

As Americans and inhabitants of various states, counties, cities, and townships, is now really the time to settle for convenience, when an addiction to convenience was in part what brought us to this juncture?

Write-in candidates can and will win elections, so long as enough voters write them in and the election isn’t rigged against them.

Until federal and state elections are separated as Brian “CannCon” Lupo suggests in this video, which would inspire the electorate to do proper research on every candidate on the ballot… the refrain is that write-ins can’t win or that a split vote will occur which means a third candidate that shouldn’t win could win.

Of course that can happen.

But the bigger question is whether someone is willing to vote with their conscience. Bill Nichol is trying to say there are people high up in the MNGOP who like Jordan Rasmussen, that seem not to mind he first got the endorsement by illegal insertion of fraudulent delegates in Otter Tail County, and then only narrowly won the primary. (But without an audit, who knows for sure? Nathan Miller sent letters to all counties requesting the cast vote records be published for the Aug 9 primary election, and all of them declined, a clear coverup of public data in violation of Minnesota Statutes 13.01 and 13.03.)

Increasing Accountability

AlphaNews MN’s twitter account description reads, “Daily Minnesota political news and commentary. Seeking out stories that the mainstream media avoid.” And yet Alpha News hasn’t written a single relevant article on electronic voting equipment or systems, a story which ironically the mainstream media actually doesn’t avoid because they are forced to play defense against the now significant indicators of election fraud in all 50 states.

Action 4 Liberty was successful in supporting many newcomers showing up to precinct caucuses and their founder invited me to write a piece on delegate election fraud in Morrison County in the Spring of 2022. But even while I was invited into A4L’s impressive studio to do a sit-down video podcast with Neil Shah, I’m still waiting for more substantial coverage given A4L’s reach.

Rocks and Cows of Minnesota, with 20,000 followers on Facebook, five days ago took down Carol Hexum’s video on the first day she posted it, citing concerns that she may have not been authorized to post it and then citing concerns of a potential lawsuit to me by phone. Because Mrs. Hexum followed the law in recording the phone call and publishing it, Rocks and Cows of Minnesota should not have feared a lawsuit simply for posting the video given what is at stake right now and there is no legal reason to fear one. The owner of Rocks and Cows said the video would be put back up the same day—it appeared a few days later (about 18 hours ago).

I’m publicly drawing attention to the above because I think their owners and editors have thick skin and will hopefully respond well to the public feedback. The fact that electronic voting systems will once again be used in Minnesota elections, in all 87 counties, means there is much more work to do in the coming months at the grassroots level—the more awareness improves the likelihood that commissioners and supervisors will taken action like the Haven Township Supervisors did, authorizing a machine count and hand tabulation of the Aug 9 primary. It is obvious to me that the SOS and Sherburne Auditor and Attorney stepped in to prevent the hand tabulation because it may have revealed machine fraud—the nervousness of the Sherburne Auditor when I spoke to her shortly after this was also apparent. Meanwhile it is my role to encourage everyone to up their game toward government accountability and transparency. That could mean engaging a neighbor. Or attending a county commissioner or supervisor meeting. Or even hand counting as an election judge 7 days from today. That little something more each of us can do will mean a lot going forward because we will start to see what we’re made of as a unit.

A well known radio host asked me last week how I got involved in all this. “Because I am in favor of government accountability and transparency.” That’s it?, his non-verbals suggested. Yes, that’s it. I note that he did not invite me on his show after hearing me speak at a recent event.

If the process of voting and elections is not addressed we cannot begin to manage through the symptoms caused by the installation of leaders owned by the system for decades. What if it is not who casts or counts the vote that matters, but who codes the vote (went the tagline on [S]election Code). The fact that nearly every public data request and inquiry into the electronic voting system itself is met with resistance from our own auditors is cause for great concern. And therefore to over-focus anywhere else (politically) is to put emphasis on symptoms while ignoring the root cause.

I’m pointing out the distinctions between this newsletter and other information sources above also because we are at a critical point in our history as a state. If we do not hold ourselves accountable, how are we to advance? When I say “ourselves” I am not referring to republicans or even conservatives. It is each and every one of us who must look in the mirror and make the change. A simple way to start is by telling the truth. A next step is to align words with actions. If you are a reader or supporter of the many names I’ve named in this article, maybe you can help to raise the bar alongside me.

When the reality of the private equity firms which own the machine vendors is comprehended the difficult web we are tied up in can better be grasped. We’ve been living a grand lie of which the voting machine labyrinth is merely one form of enslavement. But we can and will untangle ourselves.