How to Watch Ranked Choice Testimony Livestreamed Online at 3pm

Here’s what I’m planning to say in opposition, limited to about 1 minute given the number of speakers:

My name is Erik van Mechelen

Restoring voter confidence and warranted trustworthiness in the election process is a priority.

Until trust is restored, it is 1) hasty, 2) risky, and I am arguing 3) inappropriate to complicate matters with a new voting process and system.

At the same time, there are presently discussions happening locally and nationally about the merits of hand counting and hand tallying elections for increased transparency and verifiably accurate results reflecting the will of all voters.

If certain counties or the state of Minnesota went away from the unreliable electronic systems currently in use, but had already passed legislation for Ranked Choice Voting, then a heavy burden would be placed on election staff because Ranked Choice is much more laborious when hand counted as demonstrated by Minneapolis's November 2009 election, wherein even with advanced notice and 102 election judges, took 15 days to complete.