Not the first 9/11
Did something significant happen 2025 years ago?
On September 11, 2001, I turned 14 years old.

Living in Jakarta, Indonesia, with the timezone difference, it was on September 12 that I learned about the events in America only upon waking, when Mom and Dad shared the news (although they had learned late the night before). Staying home that day, since Jakarta International School had decided to close, I remember watching a bit of the reporting: Planes. Smoke. Noise. Images and sounds meant to stir our imaginations, to shake our foundations, intended to make us tremble deep down inside.

I have compared my story with so many others—everyone remembers where they were—and am thankful I was not locked in a classroom and made to watch it as many Americans were. And yet I am still in awe of all the first responders, many who sacrificed their lives attempting to save others. Visiting a nearby restaurant around 2014, the owner shared stories and books of photographs of all the firemen, policemen, and others who came for sustenance in the days of cleanup to follow.
Amidst the chaos, there was relative silence on Tower 7. It wasn’t until years later, even after visiting ground zero in the mid 2010s, that I would finally question the gift-wrapped narratives. A friend who ended up being in my wedding introduced me to a few ideas in 2017 and it wasn’t until mid 2021 that I started reviewing declassified records from 9/11, many of which revolved around insurance contracts (being discussed prior to the events), that I realized that very little, if any, of the integrative propaganda made sense at all, except from the perspective that it may have among other motives:
- covered up something about Tower 7
- prepared the way for a continuation of the “endless wars” status quo
- augmented the nation- and world-wide trauma of that day
Jakarta International School, now Jakarta Intracultural School, closed its door for a few days and when it reopened guards with semi-automatic rifles stood at the front and back gates with bomb detectors to scan under cars and school buses.
11 years later was another 9/11 event: Benghazi, Libya.
My mom called me a few days before election day 2016 and said she could never forgive Hillary for her involvement.
Although I voted for President and current Commander in Chief, Donald Trump (see EO13848: Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Elections as starting point), on November 8, 2016, at the time I was still fast asleep, unaware of humanity’s legal enslavement. (Note! The legal form of slavery may not be the only, nor most important—there are others.
More than two decades from 2001 and more than a decade since 2012, for not the first time the question came up: Why so many negative events on 9/11 throughout history?
Could it be that someone special was born 2025 years ago, on that date, in 3 B.C.? (Despite significant evidence pointing to Yom Truah, The Feast of Trumpets, in the seventh Hebrew month, as the date of Yeshua’s birth, the wiki page above makes a critical omission.)
Could it be that these negative events are a distraction from the example Yeshua’s life gave, and the path he still provides to Our Father? I am likely to be missing much but will let the question stand.