Posting a lot less - 50 miles next weekend - peace thru honest elections - August 'plan reveal' event
Unsub if you need to - but stay committed - peace on this planet is possible
Hey everyone,
Will be posting a lot less in coming months on this Substack.
Remember you can always use the search bar here to find previous posts in the archives (over 100 posts, almost all on election reform). Can also see what your neighbors are sharing with their commissioners, on Project Minnesota, like in Anoka.
Remember also that you can unsubscribe at anytime. Especially if you’re paying member. I don’t want you to be paying for something unless you think it is giving you value in return. Even though things are financially tighter than I’d like, I realize that is the case for most people, especially those that are supporting me here. Your support up till now has been amazing and was needed. (If you have any trouble unsubscribing, just email and I’ll take care of it right away.)
For previous paying subscribers - I have a few signed paper copies of [S]elections remaining - email your address to and I’ll send copies until I run out (about 7 copies).
Also for paying subs, I’d previously promised an updated version of [S]elections. I’ve tried to rewrite this several times but I haven’t found the momentum. So I’m not sure if it is what is most needed right now. Can’t ignore the signs. And yet so much has happened and so many people should be given credit, which was part of my reasoning for wanting to update the book. However, even without an updated version, I think there is a way to acknowledge your work but I’m asking for a bit more patience… for what it’s worth, the original idea was to include your stories in ways that didn’t draw too much attention to what you’re doing—since there are still people out there trying to cover things up and intimidate those doing good work. Having said that, I believe it’s important to put on the armor of God (Ephesians, 6:10) and to speak about what you’ve seen, done, and hope for. That way, by practicing courage, you will improve yourself and also inspire others.
Teaching Peace:
I spoke with Yeshua recently and I asked what I was supposed to do. A car drove by moments later with a bumper sticker: “Teach Peace”.
The fastest track towards peace in the elections domain is to 1) restart voter rolls from scratch at the county level, disconnecting from every non-governmental agency and corporation, 2) only voters that can verify who they are on that county level registration list get a ballot, and 3) hand count, manual human tally, at precinct level (including any absentee/mail-in, but mail-in should be basically abolished) and report results at the precinct on election night.
This approach is beyond reproach and 100% auditable. If livestreamed, every voter can verify their vote was counted and tallied accurately. It is way cheaper than all the software, hardware, maintenance, etc. and it’s more accurate in a verifiable way. Too many people are trusting election results/officials/media/machines without evidence (and then when you try to verify, they hide the data). Faith in God is one thing, but we shouldn’t have to have faith in our elections when there is such a simple way to innovate.

Coming up: Voyageur 50 and Election Reform Event
Next weekend I’ll try the Voyageur 50 again. It’s a 50 mile hike (although some people run it, but not me—feel free to read how it went for me last year) so this year I’m dedicating it to hand counting in 50 states, which I believe will happen, maybe even in 2024 if enough people demand it. (There are plenty demanding it now, but not yet quite enough.)
Also coming up is Mike Lindell’s 3rd big event in 3 years - learn more at where a plan will be revealed:
“Hello Everyone, I’m here today to give you great hope. You all know that the government has deemed our election platforms critical infrastructure. I’m hosting an event that will reveal the plan that will save our election platforms immediately. It is something that has never been done before in history or even ever talked about. Everyone whether you are republican democrat liberal conservative will embrace this plan. This plan has been worked on for over a year and will be revealed to the world at the Election Summit on August 16 & 17th.”
It’s really important that America reforms its election system. (That’s just one of many steps towards peace on this planet.) I’m going over there to talk to people and see what’s going on. Will likely have a few stories to share. It certainly was interesting being at the Cyber Symposium in 2021 and The Moment of Truth Summit last year, 2022.
My next post here might not be until after returning.
Ps I highly recommend watching Sound of Freedom. It helped me understand things from a deeper perspective. Felt as though the film spoke directly to my soul. Get a ticket here for free that someone else bought for you. Remember, peace on this planet is within our reach in this generation.