Want specific election updates from your county?
Send email with subject line YOUR COUNTY to mnupdates@proton.me
If you would prefer specific updates tailored to your county and nearby townships and cities, then send an email with subject line “YOUR COUNTY” such as Hennepin County to mnupdates@proton.me
This way this current Midwest Seeds newsletter can remain focused on Minnesota level notes, stories, and opinion pieces, while you get data relevant to you, your neighbors, and citizens in your area. No one else is going to change your backyard for you. Why not make it a beautiful garden?

It’s hard to believe it’s already been two years since Mike Lindell introduced Tina Peters (Selection Code film) to the world at the Cyber Symposium. If not for her work this report (Mesa Report #3) would not have been produced, which has been described by Jeffrey O’Donnell as the Rosetta Stone to unpack these findings (Fingerprints of Fraud).
The next year, at The Moment of Truth Summit, more was shared, like this presentation from David Clements and Cynthia Butler.

This year, on 8/16 and 8/17, yet more election-related information relevant to all 50 states will be shared on Lindellevent.com (use signup code = coaMN or MNSDRICKAUGEVENT, livestreamed in 80 languages.
And if you’re reading this newsletter, you are probably well ahead of the average person in terms of what you’ve come to understand and your humility in realizing there is more to learn and to do. I hope you are taking that information and sharing it in person with your county commissioners every 2 weeks, or teaching others how to do that. (For inspiration, the Anoka County Election Integrity Team (ACEIT) has done 60 speeches since January—consistency is key to making breakthroughs, constantly inviting officials to change, and avoiding future claims of plausible deniability.)

I don’t know what the plan mentioned in the above graphic is, but I’m grateful for the chance to be at yet another event next week in Missouri and I am thrilled that a few more Minnesotans are making the drive or flight there as well. We hope to bring back good news and additional approaches to increase the demand for ‘the latest and greatest’ approaches to election process, such as paper pollbooks, hand counting and hand tallying, and reporting, all at the precinct or county level so that We the People once again own the election process, instead of the state, NGOs, and corporations. As I learned in an over-priced econ degree, supply and demand matter.