MN midterm update
Paradoxically change only happens when we fully identify what IS, not what could be or should be.
Broken absentee laws (in my opinion), proportional computer-like rises in reported accepted absentee ballots, tabulator malfunctions, and summary tapes posted at precincts not all matching the Secretary of State's data.
When we steadily learn the process, laws, and reality of the total electronic voting system, including poll pads, the ERIC multistate registration database, Minneapolis's $500k+ contract with Konnech Inc., the programming of ESS tabulators, where and how ballots are printed, who programs the thumb drives which input the election designer files into each tabulator… the list goes on.
Add to this the tension between election clerks and election judges trying to uphold the integrity of the election on top of well documented nearly statewide lack of transparency of 2020 data and 2022 primary election data, a map takes shape and we can move to B knowing where we are at point A.