The Ripple Effect of Powerful Truths Spoken at Key Moments
A proposed resolution wanted to end further election-related action by the Crow Wing Board, but timely voices suggested the commissioners change their minds
County Commissioners and Town Board Supervisors have the ability to pass resolutions to remove machines and can withhold certifications of their local elections if they do not understand or trust the overall electronic voting system. Residents of counties across Minnesota have attended these meetings for months to speak in public comment and occasionally during workshops where more in-depth discussions can be held on election transparency.

About three weeks ago, (VIDEO) Jeremy Pekula spoke in the August 23, 2022 Crow Wing County Commissioner Board Meeting
Because he spoke several times, including on EAC certifications, in Crow Wing during the lead up to the commissioner resolution requesting the SOS conduct a forensic audit, shortly thereafter denied by the MNSOS, Pekula returned to provide a short history on those events.
Also of note:
1. The machines in 2020 lacked proper certifications (recently, it appears EAC fabricated documents)
2. The wording a proposed resolution which would prevent commissioners from taking further election-related action until November (struck during meeting after dissent from public and one commissioner)
3. Commissioners made a mistake in May 2015 passing a resolution making the Auditor role in Crow Wing an appointed, not elected, position. (Crow Wing is not the only MN county with an appointed Auditor-Treasurer)
The wording that aimed to shut down further action by the board was struck, highlighting the importance of standing in the gap and speaking the truth at key moments, and the ripple effect the truth has to object to tyranny and bring new people into the defense of this land.
Jeremy Pekula is running for County Commissioner in nearby Morrison County, District 3 alongside three more patriots who are poised to reclaim the board for We the People.
To learn more about election fraud in Minnesota, read this book. Also available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Audibook on Soundcloud.
KrisAnne Hall will speak in Monticello on Oct 3.
Joe Oltmann will speak in Minneapolis on Oct 3.