Citizens in Anoka County, operating via an informal organization known as Anoka County Election Integrity Team (ACEIT), began speaking with their commissioners prior to commissioner board meetings in 2022 although their group started up in late summer of 2021. In 2023, because of their consistency, a public comment segment was added to the end of commissioner board meetings, but notably the county turns off their public video feed during this public comment time.

Even still, as of October 2023, 82 speeches have been given to the county commissioners, alerting them to the issues of electronic voting systems and the solutions available.

In 2024 ACEIT has been making formal presentations to cities in the County. These presentations run about 30-45 minutes including question/answer sessions. So far these presentations have been at City of Oak Grove on January 29 (video below), City of Nowthen on February 13, City of Ham Lake on March 4 (video below), City of Ramsey on April 23 (video below) and the City of East Bethel on May 29.

On April 29, 2024 the City of Oak Grove voted 5-0 to hand count the votes in all four precincts for all offices with more than one candidate under the Post-Election Review (PER). On June 11, 2024 the City of Ramsey voted 7-0 to hand count 2/3 of their precincts (6 of 9) for all offices with more than one candidate, with the exception of judicial offices, under the Post-Election Review (PER).

ACEIT Presentation to City of Ramsey, MN, April 23, 2024 (Part 1--Introduction)

ACEIT Presentation to City of Ramsey, MN April 23, 2024 (Part 2--Content and Q&A)

ACEIT Presentation to City of Ramsey, MN April 23, 2024 (Part 3--Close)

Contact Anoka County Election Integrity Team (ACEIT) at

ACEIT Presentation to City of Ham Lake, MN March 4, 2024 (part 1)

ACEIT Presentation to City of Ham Lake, MN (part 2)

Let's Take Action!

County Commissioner Speeches

Most recent at top.

October 22, 2023

October 10, 2023

September 26, 2023

September 12, 2023

August 22, 2023

August 8, 2023

July 27, 2023

1) A report from hand counting in Big Lake on July 13, 2023 which made 50 participants feel as though they owned their elections again.

2) Request for hand counts of all elections for accuracy since PERs are not adequate.

3) Comment on PRT meeting: "Continue to find new ways to increase election integrity and transparency." It was asked if there was a plan to achieve this goal and after speech #5 Commissioner Reinert asked the staff to respond to this as yet unanswered question.

4) A postcard presented with 6-point goals to election reform - "A recipe for secure and transparent homegrown elections" (1 - secured election judge data; 2 - verified registered voters; 3 - validated paper ballots; 4 - paper pollbooks; 5 - hand counted paper ballots; 6 - small, manageable precincts

5) Since fraud permeates society, why wouldn't it be in elections too? Emphasizing 6 points in speech #5 From former Minneapolis 3rd precinct police officer

July 11, 2023

These 5 speeches began with a comment on new legislation—"I think these 2 new laws are proof that ACEIT was right all along"—and then shifted to electronic poll pads and their underlying software which can facilitate fraud at scale by manipulating the registration database.

June 27, 2023

  1. The story of hand counting in decades past.

2. A request for hand counting in the upcoming school and city elections.

3. Comparison of 2022 post election review with the number of ballots expected in upcoming school and city elections.

4. A proposed flow chart to bring elections to the county and precinct level, to eliminate NGO and outside influence.

5. Questions about the mandated electronic voting equipment (new law in MN) and the chose (by omission) of commissioners in Anoka to cede control of elections to the state.

June 13, 2023

  1. Steve summarized Tim Z's data comparing the 2018 to the 2022 midterms.

2. Derek recapped Mark Cook's video conference which was attended by Chairman Look and Commissioner Reinert—Commissioner Reinert said he would follow up with Mark about securing Anoka's equipment.

3. Brenda spoke about the election ecosystem, a part of Mark Cook's video presentation: voter registration, voter validation, tabulation, and reporting. Elections used to be controlled by the county and precinct level, but have now become centralized at the state and corporate level. A request was made to return to the decentralized approach of the past.

4. Sue elaborated on Mark Cook's recommendations. Eliminating networked electronics, cleaning up the voter rolls, auditing the registrations, fixed signature verification, ballots secured by live video, to name a few.

5. Chan brought questions the county can ask its vendor: 1) How to design a true performance accuracy test? 2) How to prove the modems are disabled when not used to transmit results? 3) How and where to maintain source code for all systems? (For independent party to look at under a NDA? MN does require SOS to maintain source code.) 4) How can an audit be done immediately after the election instead of with a time lag?

How to bring 4 components back to precinct or county level (decentralized)?

May 23, 2023

May 9, 2023

A meeting with Mark Cook is discussed before open forum begins.

Klobuchar letter to ES&S

Memo on Klobuchar letter to ES&S

Davin Memo - new state election laws

Cast Vote Records intended for public use

Cast Vote Record request

Public Data Request for Anoka County Cast Vote Record

April 25, 2023

Two commissioners agree to meet with Mark Cook.

Why trust elections at all?

Mark Cook Intro

Electronic Arms Race

Mission of ACEIT and intended relationship with Anoka County

April 11, 2023

April 11, 2023

March 28, 2023

March 14, 2023

February 28, 2023

Linwood Township Board Meetings

October 11, 2022

Election Judges Don’t Have Any Way of Verifying Vote Tallies in Current Minnesota Process
According to Election Clerk, “How the machines read those votes, there’s not a way to...verify that.”

September 27, 2022

Linwood Township Supports Releasing CVR for Nov 8 Election but Balks on Hand Counting
Clerk says the joint powers agreement will have to be checked first

Township clerk confirms automatic availability of cast vote records (in first 12 seconds of video) and says she is in favor of hand counting.